Firematic Officers

Nick DiNovo

Jon Politis
2nd Assistant Chief

Brian Meservey Jr.

Phil Giguere
2nd Captain

Wayne Russell
1st Lieutenant

Mike Herritt
3rd Lieutenant

David Whitbourn
4th Lieutenant
Fire Police
Fire Police in New York State are Peace Officers with full police powers, including that of arrest, when acting pursuant to their special duties.
Fire Police Duties are as follows:
- To regulate traffic at emergency scenes.
- To protect the general public at the scene of a fire.
- To keep fire areas clear for fire fighting purpose.
- To protect the equipment of a fire company.
- To enforce the laws of New York State relating to firematic activities and firefighting techniques.
Fire Police Officers
Civil Officers

Brian Caney

Tom Jasiewicz
Vice President

Christina Meservey

Dimana Pineo

Megan Rose
Financial Secretary

Pete Huba
Sergeant At Arms

Rocky Stewart
Board of Director

Board of Director

Board of Director